What are Black holes
Pictures of black hole
What are Black holes |
In this topic what are Black holes and what is inside black holes there we gave full information of Black hole in detail after research and also share my common point about Black hole.
In this topic we also cover what types of black holes found in universe and more wide information of black hole in detail so, try to read full information of black hole than after reading this topic your all queries and questions about black hole is clearly cleared.
🕳️What are Black holes
Black hole is a region of space time were gravity approach infinity ♾️. Through this gravity no particles or even electromagnetic radiation like light also trap in this gravity.The boundary of black hole is known as the Event horizon.
According to relativity theory the black hole is a black body that cannot emit light so you cannot see black hole and it also curved the space time.Its gravity is too much.And it can manage his power through sucking the interstellar gas.
🕳️When does black hole discovered?
Black hole seemed and captured on 10 April 2019 from event horizon telescope by collecting it's radio signals.Name of the black hole that's pictures is clicked is Messier 87 that is a supermassive black hole that is present in the centre of the supergiant elliptical galaxies Messier 87.
Pic of first black hole M87
Pic of first black hole Messier 87 |
This black hole is big as 7 billion than our sun 🌞.
But black hole theory is given many years ago.Its firstly proposed by English astronauts John Michael in 1784 through a letter.He say that any star who's dimeter exceed 500 from the diameter of our sun.And it's escape velocity is more than equal than light that is known as dark stars and it is seen in one condition when any lighted object revolving around it. All people believe on this theory before the 19th century come.
In 19th century after solving the now's relativity theory than in 1916 Karl Schwarzschild fully characterized the black hole.
Now in 2021'2022 we know fully what are Black holes. scientists discover many Black in our galaxy milky way.The nearest black hole toward the earth is unicorn that is around 1500 light year from the earth.I can gave also a topic on nearest black hole.
🕳️ What are the types of black holes found in universe?
There are four types of black hole found in universe for current information miniature, stellar, intermediate and supermassive black holes.
(1) Miniature black hole🕳️
Miniature black hole |
:- Mini black hole is a hypothetical small black hole that can be smaller than stellar mass black hole.This is a tiny Black holes that's theory given by Stephen hawking in 1971 he can say that this Black holes Made in starting period of universe in high density place.It's main role played on the basis of quantum mechanics.
(2) Stellar black holes🕳️🕳️
Stellar black holes picture |
:- stellar mass black hole is the Black hole that formed from when the Star mass of 5 and several times more than our sun can end with a explosion hypernova or as Gama rays burst after gravitational collapse.It is also known as collapsars.
(3) Intermediate black holes🕳️🕳️🕳️
Intermediate-mass black holes |
:- Intermediate-mass black holes are the black holes which mass is around 10² to 10⁵ solar masses.1 solar mass = 2×10³⁰ kg.It is more powerful full than stellar mass black.It also formed by collapstion of one stars but in this case star is more dense and its velocity is higher than stellar mass black hole Stars.
(4) Supermassive black holes🕳️🕳️🛸🕳️🕳️
Super massive black hole M87 |
:- Supermassive black holes is the largest types of black hole.This Black holes mass is around millions to billions times larger than sun.In a research scientist found that every galaxy's center a black hole is found.Milkiway has also a supermassive black hole named Sagittarius 'A' .It's power comes from attracting the interstellar gas.
Queries about black holes?
Related articles :- facts about black hole
1. Do black hole die
Yes, Black holes are also dieing by evaporation were hawking radiation loose all the mass and rotational speed of black hole.it is detailed topic.
2. How many black holes present in milky way ?
Not exactly but scientists say that in milky way there are 10 million to billion black holes present.
3.what does black hole do ?
In short black hole is a giant sucking machine that can swallow all the smallest and smallest particles even light.
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Note :- In this topic what are Black holes we try to gave you all the information of Black holes in detail and also write a brief description about black hole.
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Article author ¢Aditya
✓Main focus keywords :- what are Black holes