Top 2 interesting exoplanets
Top 5 interesting exoplanets |
In today topic we top 2 most interesting exoplanets that is so exciting because some planet revolve two stars and some is like super earth.I can also gave a detailed topic on earth like planet that is similar to earth and that has not same but suitable condition that help human to survive on it.
Let's first we talked about what are exoplanets?
Exoplanets is also said to extrasolar planets that means it is out from our solar system or another solar system.extrasolar planets are those who has its sun for revolving rather than our sun.It discovered firstly 1992 by radio astronomers Aleksander Wolszan and Dale Frail.
So,seeing these top 2 interesting and exciting exoplanets you to scroll down this page and also join us through email to get this types of news first than ever.
¶¶¶¶¶¶Top 5 interesting exoplanets¶¶¶¶¶¶
1. Kepler-16b
Kepler-16b is an interesting exoplanets that is Saturn mass planet mean it is almost massed as Saturn.It's half part is rocky and half is gaseous and Icy. It is interesting exoplanets because it orbit a binary star completing his one orbit around his sun in around 229 earth's day.
The solar system present in Cygnus constellation.The Kepler -16b orbit binary star Kepler-16 first star Kepler-16 is "K type main-sequence Star and another one is "M" type red dwarf star.The distance between these two star is almost 0.22 Astronomical unit.
1 Astronomical unit = distance between our sun and earth.
2. Kepler-452b
Kepler-452b |
This planet fall in habitable zone of its solar systems it orbit his sun from 1.04 au.You already know what means AU in distance?
The distance between our sun and earth.It is about 1800 light years away from earth in cygnus constellation.It is 5 times bigger than earth and orbit its sun in 384 days because of its huge mass.its surface is rocky.
This planet is discovered by Kepler space telescope on 23rd July 2015.This planet present about 1800 light years away from earth according to NASA when we go with the speed of new horizon spacecraft with is almost 59,000 km per hour we have take 30 million years to reached on this planet.