NASA Artemis program 2025

NASA Artemis program 2025
NASA Artemis program 2025

¶People think "what is Artemis program?"

🌜NASA Artemis program 2025 is a lunar base mission.In this mission NASA can land first women and coloured man on the surface of moon.This missions is attached with various high-tech technologies that can help to various detailing of lunar surface.With the help of other international company NASA can make long term lunar base on moon that can help in finding various thing on the surface of moon.It is also a step towards the Giant missions Mars.

NASA Artemis program 2025
Terraforming missions of Mars 

By the help NASA Artemis program 2025 missions NASA will also try to make orbiting lunar space station.And in lunar surface base there also be attached rockets launching facility that can help in rockets refueling and rockets launching towards Mars in low fuel.It launched when moon is closer to Mars.This help and easy Mars terraforming missions.

🌕Now people ask "What does NASA Artemis program 2025 do on the lunar or moon's surface?"

Artemis program goal :- 

1. Artemis program make easy to Mars mission and testing new technology on the moon's surface.

2. Study moon with new instruments especially it's north side and make basement for long term.

3.Also in future for visitors who want to visit moon as tourist.

4. Also many governmental project of us and other countries.

5. Inspiring new and next generation to become part of space technology.

⏱️Next is timeline of NASA Artemis program 2025


NASA Artemis program 2025
NASA Artemis program 2025 timeline

It is launched in three parts first  is non crewed missions, second and Third is a crewed missions.

Artemis 1 :- Saturday, 12 February 2022

Artemis 2 :- date is not confirmed but in may 2024

Artemis 3 :- launched in 2025

🚀How NASA Artemis program 2025 go on moon's surface?

NASA Artemis program 2025
NASA Artemis program 2025 go on moon

NASA Artemis program 2025 is very important missions.Any small mistake can disturbed the full missions.This missions full cost is around $93 billion dollars by adding full missions.

It is the missions were a first women send on the surface of moon.

This mission divided in there segment of launches as you know before in timeline of NASA Artemis program 2025.

1. NASA Artemis 1
NASA Artemis program 2025
NASA Artemis 1

¶What does NASA Artemis 1 do?
¶Why NASA launch Artemis 1?

Artemis 1 is a uncrewed spaceflight missions of NASA.It is only test flight of Orion capsule around the moon.Full missions performed his task around 25.5 days.And 6 days Orion capsule retrograde orbit around the moon.Than any thing happened during this mission I can update on it.

It is launched on it launched by super heavy launch system after march of 2022.I will update it.its cost is around $11 billion dollars.

2. NASA Artemis 2
NASA Artemis program 2025
NASA Artemis 2

NASA Artemis 2 is a crewed space flight mission which is launched in may 2024.It is launched by SLS block 1 rockets.

It is a moon flyby missions where all the crewed member sited in Orion capsule and flyby the moon for all side and during fly by all crewed tested the is the first crewed missions that is with new technology after last crewed lunar missions 1972 Apollo also test any asteroids present in lunar orbit.

In this mission there sent four crewed in Orion capsule and at last it re-enter in earth after moon flyby in Ocean.Any thing happened I can update on it.

3.NASA Artemis program 2025 / Artemis 3
NASA Artemis program 2025
NASA Artemis program 2025 / Artemis 3

Finally NASA launched his original and main Artemis 3 spaceflight.In this mission four crewed orbit the moon and two crewed land on moon surface.

This mission is launched by by space x starship on the south pole of moon.its cost is around $ 35 Billion is launched from Kennedy space center.

This mission takes many payload with this and many testing instruments that help to perform various task from trend crewed.

Than there launched many Artemis missions like Artemis IV,V,VI,VII,VIII and many more.That help in making lunar base for long terms.Than there go many scientists and crewed for research on moon like ISS. I can update it after it comes in more details in topic by topic. 


Note :- IN this topic we clearly mentioned all the detailed information of NASA Artemis program 2025.Any mistake you observe in this topic you can comment.And any updates comes I can update it on time.

Main focus keywords :- NASA Artemis program 2025

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